This will confront you – Dolphins to the slaughter

I recently watched a documentary called “The Cove,” the real, hard truth about the Dolphin killings in Japan. It really broke my soul to see it. The sick and twisted method of capturing and killing the Dolphins is unimaginable. I will tell you now, and I bet you didn’t know.

Taiji, Japan. Dolphin migration season. Thousands of Dolphins are passing through a small corridor of ocean next to the Japanese coast. A handful of Japanese fishermen meet in the early morning and set off in a fleet of boats into the ocean, forming a line a few kilometres from the bay. In unison, they lower their long iron poles into the water and smash on them with hammers, creating a sound-shockwave that ripples through the water, forming a sonic barrier between the boats. The barrier forces the migrating Dolphins to swim away from the boats and directly into a small, narrow cove. Hundreds of them, terrified and deafened by what must be a repetitive ear-splitting crack. Swimming for their lives, directly into a trap. Hidden cameras set up by a brave crew of activists allow us to see the water teeming with Dolphins, jumping over one another to get away from the noise. The Japanese fishermen then proceed to wall off the cove with a huge net, preventing any chance of escaping the soon to be slaughter.  

Then, Dolphin trainers arrive from around the world to bid on the healthiest females. They can go for up to $150,000 each. A big profit for the fishermen. What happens to the rest?  Go to 1h 17m 31s

Luckily, Mar fell asleep just before this part of the documentary. I didn’t, and the image of the wounded baby dolphin jumping over the net, limping away and eventually flipping over and dying is burned into my mind to this day. Watch the whole documentary if you have time.

Fun fact: Dolphin meat has some of the highest levels of mercury and is unsafe to eat. Despite this, the meat harvested from the Dolphins was used to feed Japanese children in school for lunch.


If you’re feeling a bit depressed now, have a look at this next video where “South Park” pokes a bit of fun. They somehow managed to make comedy out of a horrific reality.


My question is, how can this happen and continue to happen year in year out? It is totally sickening to think that some people have the impudence to commit such atrocities against the second most intelligent mammals in the world (or perhaps the first?).

It is also a crying shame that the the majority of Japanese have no idea that this is going on due to severe media suppression.

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